SørNorsk Filmsenter
Based in Kristiansand, Sørnorsk filmsenter has been in operation since 1 September 2008 and manages grants for the development and production of short and documentary films, early-stage games and script development fiction. In addition, the Sørnorsk Film Center can earmark funds for special purposes, such as diversity and gender equality, and various skills development activities. We also contribute to regional talent development and various film professional initiatives aimed at children and young people.
Telemark Film
Telemark Film
Based on Hydroparken in Notodden, Telemark Film (TF) works together with Norway Communicates AS, which markets the region ( nationally and internationally. TF works with the delivery of film-related services as well as the development of film and television productions. Established in 2021, we work actively with the film industry to attract film projects to Notodden and Telemark as well as delivery of services related to film projects.
Notodden Municipality
Notodden municipality is located in Vestfold-Telemark county and has approximately 13,000 inhabitants. In addition to its UNESCO World Heritage status, Notodden is best known for hosting Europe's largest blues experience - the Notodden Blues Festival.
The Bok & Blueshuset is the center of the most important cultural activities in Notodden, and the city is also home to a campus at the University of Southeast Norway as well as Heddal Stave Church; the largest of all stave churches in Norway.

Vestfold and Telemark County
Vestfold and Telemark County Municipality is an interdisciplinary and politically driven development organization. One of the county municipality's focus areas is to strengthen a vibrant cultural life in the region, including film and film-related activities.
The county municipality makes a contribution through strategic investments in several projects so that people today and in the future have the opportunity to experience art and culture in everyday life.

Business Region Kristiansand
Business Region Kristiansand is part of Kristiansand municipality and is responsible for the municipality's business work. Business Region Kristiansand facilitates value creation and growth in the Kristiansand region - and is the business community's entrance to the municipality. The goal is to further develop a competent, innovative, attractive and international business community. We show you the opportunities in the Kristiansand region!

Agder County Municipality
The county municipality is a regional administrative body with 3,000 employees with high competence in education, transport, culture, business development, public health, dental health and a number of other disciplines. The social mission is summarized through the main goal in the Agder 2030 Regional Plan: "Together we will develop Agder into an environmentally, socially and economically sustainable region in 2030 - an attractive low-emission society with good living conditions!"

Norway Communicates AS contributes to growth, value creation and jobs as a result of our film and culture industry activities, including Interactive media and other projects. Together, we contribute to the same goal: through different projects and initiatives, we tell the world about what we call:
"NORWAY - One of the world's best kept secrets" ©

Notodden Energi
Notodden Energi contributes to building an attractive society. By making technology accessible to everyone, they now cover almost the entire municipality with fiber and are established as a group with network operations, power distribution, broadband services and other services. They have a strong position in Notodden, and it is the company's goal to become the leading electricity company in Telemark.